Cafeteria Rules
Hall Rules
Playground Rules
Restroom Rules
Bus Rules
Respect Others
Obey Rules
Command Responsibility
Keep Safe
Students at Goodpine Middle School travel from rooms and other areas with a clipboard for their class. They have marks on the clipboard for behavior. The teachers will give different marks ranging from excessive talking to disruptive behavior. They will have a +sign for positive behavior and a - sign for negative behavior for the week. A negative means they received three marks for that week. Three marks in one day will also result in an office referral. All D and F papers will be reworked and signed by parent for homework. The principal will have test talks with them about their weekly tests. They must be turned in to the principal the next day or this will result in an office referral. We do have a PBIS system where students are rewarded for good grades, attendance and behavior.
1 mark = Warning
2 marks = Recess detention
3 marks = Parent phone call
4 marks = Early morning detention
5 marks = In-school suspension